Assistant Pastor

Rev. Rickey L. Jasper was born on July 28, 1963 in Parkdale, Arkansas. He is married to Shelia D. Jasper and they are the proud parents of two sons, Rickey Lane Jasper II (“RJ”) and Desmond “Tyler” Jasper.
Rev. Rickey L. Jasper serves as assistant pastor, with the primary responsibility for the Youth Ministry. He is licensed and ordained to preach the gospel. He teaches Church School on 2nd Sundays and facilitates a weekly Youth Rap Session on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. He has conducted numerous workshops and sessions on Marriage Enrichment, The Role of the Family and its Members, Goal Setting and the Church – Its Officers, Offices, and Purpose. He is former Pastor of the Protestant Faith Fellowship in Berlin, Germany and First Mount Olive Baptist Church in Lincoln, Virginia.
He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science with a Minor in Accounting from Southern Arkansas University, a Master of Business Administration in Management from Louisiana Tech University and a Master of Science in Accounting from Strayer University.
As a Government Executive, Rickey has served domestically and overseas in Latin America, Europe (Berlin, Germany) and East Asia (Singapore). During his tenure in Singapore, Rev. Jasper took graduate level seminary courses at the Singapore Bible College. He is currently seeking a Master of Divinity from the John Leland Center for Theological Studies.