Media Ministry
Ministry Leader
Deacon Wagner Grier

The Media Ministry provides technical support for worship services and special events. They also utilize media for outreach to members and others through the virtual community, facilitating a quick and easy way to be encouraged by the preaching of God’s Word through online services.
The mission is to optimize services through quality outreach via the use of technology and media to support services and special events as a tool in sharing the gospel and making disciples.
Accomplishments in 2024
The Media Ministry continued providing updates to our new church website, conducted streaming live morning and afternoon services to the virtual community, provided technical support for services, developed DVDs of services, and posted messages to the church website for members and the community.
The Media Ministry will work in concert with the Safety and Security Ministry to provide and upgrade church security; increase community outreach of the church and provide updates on all church activities through the church website and social media applications such as Facebook, Zoom and Instagram.