Homeless Outreach Ministry

Ministry Leader


The Homeless Outreach Ministry consists of members of the church and friends, who travel to DC and Northern Virginia on the 4th Sunday of the month. They serve those in need of food, clothes, shoes, hygiene care, blankets, prayers and fellowship.


The mission is to serve with a purpose in God’s Community to meet the needs of those less fortunate.

Accomplishments in 2024

The Homeless Outreach Ministry served the homeless on the streets in Virginia and Washington, DC.  They developed relationships with individuals through prayer and testimonials.  They met physical needs through providing nutritious food, hats, gloves, and other seasonal items.  They also networked with community leaders to stay abreast of pending changes coming in 2025 that will affect the homeless.


To broaden God’s work through establishing partnerships with those supporting the homeless community such as the Central Union Mission. They plan to  sponsor a class on evangelism, as well as increase involvement from church members through donations and participation in the outreach services.

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