
Children's Church
Prayer Service | Calvary Full Gospel Church - Forsyth
PRAYER  and  PRAISE SERVICE – Every Friday at 6:30 PM on Zoom
Meeting ID #729 538 4923 and Password # 282491
Dial-in by phone+1 301 715 8592

The Holy Oder of Cherubim & Seraphim Movement Church Inc. (Love Divine)

CWF meeting First Saturday of each month  at 10:00 am on Zoom.

  55 Best Sunset Pick Up Lines to Impress Your Partner

COUPLES’ MEETING – Second Friday of each month at 7:30PM
Each month’s Couples’ Zoom session will be lead by one of the couples of our church. 
WELBORNE – Youth Group
YOUTH POWER SURGE _  Third Tuesday of each month 6:00PM
The youth of First Mt Olive meet monthly for on-line interactions and discussions of subjects of their choosing. These sessions are led by Rev & Sister Jasper and often have guest speakers. A  lot of fun and a lot of learning. Over the past months these sessions became an extraordinary success as the young folks  really look forward to the on-line get-togethers. This focus for the remainder of this year is understanding The Ten Commandments (see below).
Our 2023 Focus:
The 10 Commandments  (Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21)
Two Greatest Commandments
Next FMOBC Youth Power Surge Zoom Meeting :                                             
Elementary/Middle/High School – Tuesday, Sept 18, 2023, 6:00 P
The Zoom Connection for Youth Power Surge is:
Meeting ID :  3333270199
Password : 431394
Sunday school clipart on transparent background free image download

Every Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. In-Person or on Zoom 
To participate in
If you are conferencing via computer, tablet, or smartphone:
1. Log in to your computer and select your browser of choice.
2. Copy the following URL into your browser: + Enter
3. Click on “Join Meeting”
4. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID #729 538 4923 and Password # 282491
5. Wait to be admitted to the conference. OR
If conferencing by phone:
1. Dial-in by phone+1 301 715 8592
2. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID #729 538 4923 and Password # 282491

Bible Study - South Hill United Methodist Church in South Hill, VA

 DAY: Each Thursday evening: TIME: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM In-Person or on Zoom

1. Log in to your computer and select your browser of choice.

2. Copy the following URL into your browser: + Enter
3. Click on “Join Meeting”
4. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID #729 538 4923 and Password # 282491
5. Wait to be admitted to the conference. OR
If conferencing by phone:

1. Dial-in by phone+1 301 715 8592
2. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting ID #729 538 4923 and Password # 282

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