Couple's Ministry

Ministry Leader

Brother John and Jacqueline Tingle


The Couples Ministry provides married couples with the opportunity to fellowship and learn what God ordained for marriage. This fellowship involves studying the Word of God, engaging in thoughtful discussion on topics to strengthen marriages, relationship and socialization.


The mission is to bring married couples closer to God and to each other through the learning and application of Godly principles of marriage.

Accomplishments in 2024

The Couples Ministry hosted a Prayer Breakfast, conducted a workshop on Renovating Your Marriage Room by Room, and held a Valentine’s celebration Brazilian style.  They coordinated a tour of the Bible Museum, which showcases fascinating artifacts and offers an immersive experience with the Bible and its on-going impact on the world around us.  They also sponsored an estate planning workshop with a focus on wills , trust, advanced directives, and probate.  They assisted with serving meals at the Loudoun Emergency Homeless Shelter and contributed to Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse in conjunction with other ministries.


To sponsor educational and social events focused on strengthening marriages, continue Bible Study for couples, mentor young couples considering marriage, and contribute to service to benefits the greater community.


We believe that marriage is a Holy union between a man and woman that is instituted and approved by God. We believe that marriage is the foundation of the Christian family and the cornerstone of society. Therefore, it is protected by the laws of God and the nation’s government. We believe that such commitment is until “death do us part.” We believe that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man.

We believe that spouses are one body in Christ Jesus; and thus we must strive to increase our unity by learning Godly principles of marriage. As one body we know that we may all come short of the Glory of God, and in forgiving one another we may also receive the forgiveness of God. As one body we leave mother and father and become united with one another. As one body we shall not deprive one another physically, mentally or emotionally, knowing that to do so would bring us into temptation through which satan can bring destruction. As one body we will share our life experiences with our spouse, for in acting as one we shall become one.


The couples periodically enjoy entertainment outings to events that are screened for their content. It may include, but is not limited to, theater, cruises and other Christian social gatherings.


The Couples Ministry meets on the 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  They enjoy food and fellowship, as well as a presentation and discussion of a topic that is important to married couples. 

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