Usher Board
Ministry Leader
Sister Harriet King
Ushers are Spiritual Hosts and Hostesses of the Church. They receive the order of the day from the Pastor. They see that the Church is in proper condition to receive members and guests.
The mission is to be doorkeepers of the Church. “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” (Psalms 84:10 KJV).
Accomplishments in 2024
The Ushers Ministry serve the church each Sunday for morning services as greeters at the entrance and ushers on the door. They also served for special event services such as “Prime Timers ” Thanksgiving lunch, Fall Revival , Community Christmas Musical, Revivals, and the MLK celebration to support to Support the Northern Virginia Baptist Association.
To increase the Spiritual development of the ushers and enhance the board by recruiting youth, junior, and senior ushers. They will host another workshop for current and new recruits to the Usher Board.